Empty cart

No products in the cart.

Have your sellers add products from the catalog.

Thanks to the catalog mode, your sellers can select the products you specify and sell them

Catalog Mode for Dokan

Editable Catalog Settings

You can allow or block your vendors registered with Dokan from adding products that are not in the catalog while adding products.

Manage Your Marketplace

Streamline product management with catalog code

Product Recommendation

For products that are not in catalog mode, your vendors can suggest products to you, and you can add products to the catalog mode if you wish.

Product Hiding

You can hide your catalog products, which do not have any seller, on your site, if you wish, they will not be visible unless a seller sells the product through the catalog.

Fully compatible with Dokan

The catalog mode is fully compatible with dokan and the UI/UX of dokan product add pages has been rearranged. With its easy interface, merchants can use it easily

Other Sellers

Other sellers selling the same catalog product are listed on the product page with the price they are selling. So customers can view other vendors selling the same product.


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