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Streamline product returns management

Thanks to the easy give back plugin, you can learn in detail why your customers are returning when you receive a refund after your sales. You can accept or reject return requests through the panel.

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Streamline product returns management

Thanks to the easy give back plugin, you can learn in detail why your customers are returning when you receive a refund after your sales. You can accept or reject return requests through the panel.

Easy Panel

Thanks to the easy panel, you can view all return requests and their status on your e-commerce site, all you have to do is view the return request.

Editable Reasons for Return

When receiving returns from your customers, you can add as many reasons for return as you want, and you can request special documents from your customer according to the reasons for the return, for example; such as product photos and warranty certificate.

Your Customer Can Easily View Their Demand

After your customers create return requests, they can view the latest status of the return they have created in my account.


Acceptance of returns by Product Category

You can turn off the return options to the product category you want, so that a return request cannot be created for the sales made in that category.

Editable Mail Theme

You can send information e-mails to your customers or vendors at all stages of return requests, and you can easily edit all e-mail templates on the panel.

