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What are the WordPress SEO plugins ?

While WordPress SEO plugins help users to compete with their competitors, it also enable websites to be at top of the search engines. This is the main reason why users must prefer SEO plugins that have both high quality performance and user friendly practical applications.

Here are the most popular and favored WordPress SEO plugins:

1. Yoast SEO

Among mos prefered WordPress plugins Yoast SEO help website to position towards to top of search engines. Yoast SEO not only help to optimize website and its content easily, but it can also analysis  website and its content according to search criteria or keyword.

2. Rank Math

Among WordPress SEO plugins Rank Math is another plugin that helps you take full control of SEO. Rank Math is user-friendly, functional and free tool,and helps you analyze technical SEO details, also adjust meta and descriptions for each content, and automatically add subtitles and titles.

3. All in One SEO Pack

All in One SEO Pack, used on more than two million web pages, is not only an extremely practical plugin but  also is ideal for optimizing online sales pages. With this One SEO Pack , users can perform many operations such as meta tags, XML and visual sitemaps, schema markup, blocking bots.

 4. SEMRush

One of the most used tool among WordPress SEO plugins is SEMRush. This plugin is the most detailed SEO tool on the market. SEMRush’s competitor analysis is extremely powerful. Keyword search covers both your own site and competitors. It helps users to prepare friendly content by adding it to the SEO panel.

5. Broken Link Checker

This plugin scans internal and external links on your webpage by constantly running in the background. It allows users to detect and repair broken links. Its most important feature is that it allows you to batch fix broken links with just a few clicks. Broken Link Checker can use a lot of bandwidth so it may be necessary to disable this tool in the meantime.

6. Google Keyword Planner

The Google Keyword Planner tools main purpose  is to enable you to specify keywords suitable for advertisements, is also extremely important when it comes to WordPress SEO plugins. The main purpose of this plugin is to enable you to specify keywords suitable for advertisements. You can use the data of this tool to detect keywords with high search volume.

7. Squirrly SEO

What makes this plugin unique is that it is based on analysis and research. Squirrly SEO has all the standard SEO plugin features such as social media, title/description management, XML sitemaps. Users can browse details such as keyword research and search volume without leaving the dashboard. With the Briefcase feature, it is possible to manage the usage of important keywords within the site, at he same time it also allows users to track their ranking in Google searches.

8. SEOPress

One of the most preferred WordPress tools amonf SEO plugins is the SEOPress. This is an add-free plugin with  compass all users needs. SEOPress not only  make it possible to manage your meta descriptions for posts, titles, terms and pages but also provides designing of XML and HTML sitemaps. Tehere are other various features of SEOPress such as; IP anonymization, PDF, DOCX, XLSX download, demographic reporting, tracking domains.

9. SEO Framework

It features are similiar to  All in One SEO Pack and Yoast. Users do not need to pay for additional features. It is a fast, ad-free and computer friendly plugin. It also provides features like; content development, local SEO, AMP integration, and incognito(unvisible) mode.

10. MonsterInsights

In this plugin, you may find many thing that you are looking for to improve your web page’s SEO strategies. With MonsterInsights, you can easily install Google Analytics on the panel. With this plugin, you can analyze what your best content is, where visitors come from, what users are doing on the web page.

11. WP Rocket

The last tool on our list of WordPress SEO plugins is WP Rocket. This is the best WordPress caching plugin on the market. It is not essentially an SEO plugin. But since website speed is an important attribute, this tool is extremely useful.

If you are looking for different add-on solutions for your web page; You can browse the GurmeWOO options and offers. We can also meet your  special needs.

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